Friday, May 20, 2011

Makes you Think

So I haven't wrote on here since last summer. I have been very busy with work, school and just life in general which has lead me to write this blog. As many of you know it is predicted that the rapture will occur tomorrow at 6 pm and then the world will end 5 months later. Well these predictions got me to thinking.

If this happens tomorrow am I ready?
Why does it take the threat of the world ending to make me evaluate my faith with God?

To look at the first question I think I would be. I believe that God is the one and only Savior and that he has saved me from damnation. I do know that I haven't lived the most straight or pure life and have sinned countless amounts. But even though I have lived this way I know my Lord is watching over me, providing for me, and sent his Son to die on the cross for me thousands of years ago. But just like whenever you go in front of anyone that would judge you it is nerve racking. The Lord has the ability to choose my fate and that is scary and it was meant to be that way. It is the same way if I was to go in front of my boss even though I feel confident in the job I did, I know I made mistakes and something small to me could be something huge to him. So yes I am nervous for that day in front of the Lord if it is tomorrow or 80 years down the road. I am a sinner and I have failed but I know his salvation is just that salvation for me.
Looking at all this just makes me realize that why do I wait to evaluate myself and my faith until their is speculation that it could all be over. Why am I not fearing the world continuously? My life could end any day as I have seen by friends and relatives that have died unexpectedly. Any day could be my last and become my judgement day. Why do I not realize this every day of my life and do my best to lead a God pleasing life?
This speculation has made me think about the way I live my life and how much I take for granted. One day if it is tomorrow or whenever I will face his judgement and he's not going to throw it up on a billboard for me saying "Hey, Tomorrow is YOUR Judgement Day" This day will come when we are not expecting it because everyday of our lives we should prepare to meet our Lord in person. Everything that has been talked about has made me realize that I need to make changes in my life and live everyday for Him and be an extension of the Lord since we are all as Christians a part of HIS body.
I don't know when judgement day will be for me or you but I hope and pray that when it does I will be prepared and have lived my life as close to the Lord as I can and I hope that is the same for you. Any day could be our day and we shouldn't need someone telling us it could be tomorrow to make us change our lives. We should do it everyday to honor the Lord and be an extension of him.

He is Risen. He is Risen Indeed.