Sunday, June 15, 2014

Who do you run to?

Well this week has been one of those crazy weeks.  So much has happened with some family medical issues including surgery for my sister during a work trip in Las Vegas.  This came with multiple days in the hospital and a last minute flight by my mom to be with my sister through the pain.  I also had an injury that I suffered the other day and there has been some hard times with some extended family.

With so much happening it didn't seem like this week was ever going to end.  Every time I turned around we were being hit with more bad news and it starts to wear on you.  I started thinking in this situation who did I run to?  Did I run to friends or did I run to God?  It is so easy to run in these situations to your closest friends or maybe anyone that will listen to describe just how bad your week has been.  I have been guilty of that at times.  This time I tried to take a different approach.  I went to God first.  Yes I went to friends and family to talk through everything but it was to discuss what was happening.  I would be lying to you if I didn't tell you I wasn't upset or down this week due to everything.  Going to God first was such a relief for me.  It quickly put the situations into perspective that they were minor in the grand scheme of things.  It made me look at the positives instead of focusing on the negatives.  I also was blessed by God's presence by my Christian community around me.  Being lifted up in prayer and encourage in my faith allowed me to stop trying to be "Woo" me.

I want to ask anyone who is reading this, where do you run?  Do you run to a friend immediately? Do you run to the nearest bar and try to drown your issues?  What do you do?  I really encourage you to run to God in these situations.  I heard this statement before that God is the great comforter but he can't do that if we are always comfortable.  I didn't chose these situations to happen this week and wouldn't want this to happen to anyone but God made me very uncomfortable.  In all this discomfort though I was able to see his power and comfort.  The way he has provided for my family and I this week is great. My mom made it to Vegas in time for the surgery and was able to reschedule work to be there for the recovery, my dad had friends helping us out and giving us information on the medical world in Las Vegas, and my work allowed me to take the time I needed to help.  God truly provided and kept our family calm.

I hope through my examples today you can see the comfort God provides.  Next time something goes wrong go straight to God in prayer and the go to your friends.  Make him your priority and you should be able to see the change in your situation.