Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Moment

Well guys today I wanted to talk a bit about taking advantage of the moment.  So much has happened this year that has really got me thinking that you need to live your life for every day and take advantage of the opportunities you have.  Not only did we lose my uncle quickly this year but my neighbor was diagnosed with cancer and unfortunately has been limited in what she can now experience.  It really hit me because I wanted to take her to a Tigers game but kept pushing it off to next year and now I probably won't get this opportunity.

It sometimes is hard to take advantage of these opportunities as life gets in the way.  We have too much to do.  We have a drive to get more money.  We have a fear of not having enough.  We fear not impressing our bosses.  We fear losing those close to us.  I have started to try to live like tomorrow isn't guaranteed which we see in the bible.  Who knows when the Lord will come.  If he came today would you be unhappy because you always wanted to move to a particular place, see a city, or be a better friend to someone.  Take today and live for it.

Last week I got to see this first hand.  Melissa and I were at Sleeping Bear Dunes enjoying the relaxing walk up the dunes.  When we started this walk I noticed a young man (maybe 25) climbing up the hill.  We were on the bottom at this time and he was cresting the first major hill.  He had two poles that he was using to help with the climb.  In the beginning I couldn't tell if these were crutches or hiking poles.  As we made our way up the hill and I started feeling my heart race I couldn't help but continue to watch this guy.  As I watched I noticed he could not use his legs and had to use his waist to carry himself.  I am not sure if he was paralyzed or what but his legs unfortunately did not work.  As we continued our climb he did too.  He climbed to one of the highest points in the dunes.  Melissa and I got to the same point as him and got to talk to him for a minute.  He was from Toledo, Ohio and came to the Dunes every year.  He loved doing the climb and enjoying the view.  We parted ways and continued our climb but I could not get his accomplishment out of my mind.  You can ask Melissa cause I kept saying stuff to her the rest of our climb.  As we got to the bottom and I could see him starting to make his way down it brought a smile to my face.  I have thought about this guy every day since and how he pushed through.

We can all learn from this guy.  That climb pushes a lot of people to not do it because it is hard and these are perfectly healthy individuals.  This guy had every reason to stay at the bottom and refuse to climb because it would be to hard or would take much time.  He didn't though.  He didn't let his disability stop him from the climb.  I encourage you this week to push forward and do what you want.  Do what you have always wanted to do.  Don't look at the reasons you can't do it but look at all the reasons you can.  You don't have tomorrow promised to you so don't delay.  Get the plans together and accomplish your goals and dreams.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.