Monday, December 15, 2014


Well this past weekend I got to be a witness to one of my best friends asking his girlfriend of 4 years to marry him.  First off congratulations Eric and Ashlee, I am so happy for you and can't wait to see the way you conquer this world together.  These events let me see something a lot of people don't see and that is the excitement that the guy has planning this all out.  Eric couldn't wipe the smile off his face and just wanted to make sure everything was perfect.  He had waited to take this step and the excitement you saw in him you just knew it was right.

This really got me to think about each one of us with God.  Do we have this excitement for Him?  It is so easy for us to get stuck in the daily "duties" of being a Christian.  We go to church on Sundays, maybe go to a bible study here or there, pray when we can, and get into his Word but are we really engaged.  Do we go to church but walk out the door having no clue what the sermon was even about?  I have done this many times.  I try very hard to pay attention but my mind begins to wonder the second the music stops.  What about when you pray?  Has the prayer become the same thing every night.  Are you really talking to God or just repeating what you have said for years?  It has become a real challenge for me as the things I pray for are constant and I usually pray right before bed.  I am exhausted by that point and notice myself just going through the motions a lot.  It becomes hard some times when things become normal or part of your every day life.  I work for a manufacturing company and when people become complacent with there jobs errors begin to happen as their attention falls away.  I feel this is the same way with our faith.  When it becomes the same thing we start to fall away without even knowing.

Back to the engagement.  Eric had so much excitement that Ashlee never saw.  Now how do we get that excitement for God?  How do we create that engagement with Him?  There is so many ways we can do this and for each person it will be different.  I have noticed for myself that changing when I pray helps some.  Also having a strong group of Christians around myself helps me when I begin to fall away from the engagement.  I need them to help push me to focus on Him and encourage me that He is the best choice for me.  Just like in a relationship you may feel you want to try something else or see what else is out there but in your relationship for God you need to realize He is the one.  Do not stray from him but make that commitment.  Get excited about your relationship with Him.  He is the one who will love you no matter what.  When you think things aren't right or you start to stress know he is there to hold you.  Show your joy for him in all you do.

While Eric was proposing another couple was near me that was watching it all happen.  They had never met Eric or Ashlee but they had a huge smile on their face.  They saw his love for her and her love for him.  Let's focus on showing that love we have for God to others.  Bring a smile to others by showing them the love and engagement you have with our Lord.  You may not know the person next to you or ever see them again but that happiness could change their life.

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."- 1 Peter 4:8

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Moment

Well guys today I wanted to talk a bit about taking advantage of the moment.  So much has happened this year that has really got me thinking that you need to live your life for every day and take advantage of the opportunities you have.  Not only did we lose my uncle quickly this year but my neighbor was diagnosed with cancer and unfortunately has been limited in what she can now experience.  It really hit me because I wanted to take her to a Tigers game but kept pushing it off to next year and now I probably won't get this opportunity.

It sometimes is hard to take advantage of these opportunities as life gets in the way.  We have too much to do.  We have a drive to get more money.  We have a fear of not having enough.  We fear not impressing our bosses.  We fear losing those close to us.  I have started to try to live like tomorrow isn't guaranteed which we see in the bible.  Who knows when the Lord will come.  If he came today would you be unhappy because you always wanted to move to a particular place, see a city, or be a better friend to someone.  Take today and live for it.

Last week I got to see this first hand.  Melissa and I were at Sleeping Bear Dunes enjoying the relaxing walk up the dunes.  When we started this walk I noticed a young man (maybe 25) climbing up the hill.  We were on the bottom at this time and he was cresting the first major hill.  He had two poles that he was using to help with the climb.  In the beginning I couldn't tell if these were crutches or hiking poles.  As we made our way up the hill and I started feeling my heart race I couldn't help but continue to watch this guy.  As I watched I noticed he could not use his legs and had to use his waist to carry himself.  I am not sure if he was paralyzed or what but his legs unfortunately did not work.  As we continued our climb he did too.  He climbed to one of the highest points in the dunes.  Melissa and I got to the same point as him and got to talk to him for a minute.  He was from Toledo, Ohio and came to the Dunes every year.  He loved doing the climb and enjoying the view.  We parted ways and continued our climb but I could not get his accomplishment out of my mind.  You can ask Melissa cause I kept saying stuff to her the rest of our climb.  As we got to the bottom and I could see him starting to make his way down it brought a smile to my face.  I have thought about this guy every day since and how he pushed through.

We can all learn from this guy.  That climb pushes a lot of people to not do it because it is hard and these are perfectly healthy individuals.  This guy had every reason to stay at the bottom and refuse to climb because it would be to hard or would take much time.  He didn't though.  He didn't let his disability stop him from the climb.  I encourage you this week to push forward and do what you want.  Do what you have always wanted to do.  Don't look at the reasons you can't do it but look at all the reasons you can.  You don't have tomorrow promised to you so don't delay.  Get the plans together and accomplish your goals and dreams.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


It has been a while since I have been able to post one of these.  I have been finishing up the summer semester at school and trying to enjoy the weather for the limited time we get it in Michigan.  As some of you may know, we unfortunately lost my Uncle Greg about a month ago due to cancer.  This time was very hard on my family especially my Aunt and cousins and continues to be a battle as we move forward.  This unfortunate event really got me thinking and I wanted to talk about it today.

Death is a very hard time and rightfully so.  We have formed bonds with these people and will miss them.  This is the same for parents when they let their kids go to camp for the first time or when a close friend takes a new job in another city.  We can get very down about this as we know things won't be the same.  We will have to change how we do things and not have those times with that individual as frequently or possibly ever again during this earthly life.  This is a time where it becomes the hardest the most critical time that we trust God.  It is very easy to look elsewhere in these times but putting that trust in God will help lead you down that path of recovery.

I struggle with this all the time.  I like to see what the future has planned and hate to leave it up to interpretation.  It can be very scary to put your path in the hands of someone else even when he is God.  If it is a boss that is pushing you in a direction in your career and holds the keys to that next position, or a relationship you are in that you are unsure of where it will lead.  It is important that you are on the same page with those people that could affect that path so that you can reach for the same goals.  This is the same with God.  It is critical to have a close relationship with God and talk to him regularly.  Just like you will talk to your boss on where you want to go and your admirations in life it is important to speak to God on what is important to you.  Just like your boss God may not agree with you and may slow you down or lead you down a different path but you need to work on the same page.

It is critical it times like these where your path can be influenced the most you turn to God.  Talk to him and let him know what is on your mind.  Give him your path and let him guide you.  He is the ultimate boss that knows exactly what you need.  He knows the training you need and what is necessary for you to continue pursuing your dreams.  Don't let a small detour get in the way because if He is leading you then that is the path that will suit you best.  Live the words of the Lord's prayer you have probably prayed hundreds of times.  "Your will be done".  You pray it on a regular basis so now go out and live it.  Give him your path and let him be your comforter and leader in all times.

Matthew 6:9-13New International Version (NIV)

“This, then, is how you should pray:
“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]
    but deliver us from the evil one.[b]

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Who do you run to?

Well this week has been one of those crazy weeks.  So much has happened with some family medical issues including surgery for my sister during a work trip in Las Vegas.  This came with multiple days in the hospital and a last minute flight by my mom to be with my sister through the pain.  I also had an injury that I suffered the other day and there has been some hard times with some extended family.

With so much happening it didn't seem like this week was ever going to end.  Every time I turned around we were being hit with more bad news and it starts to wear on you.  I started thinking in this situation who did I run to?  Did I run to friends or did I run to God?  It is so easy to run in these situations to your closest friends or maybe anyone that will listen to describe just how bad your week has been.  I have been guilty of that at times.  This time I tried to take a different approach.  I went to God first.  Yes I went to friends and family to talk through everything but it was to discuss what was happening.  I would be lying to you if I didn't tell you I wasn't upset or down this week due to everything.  Going to God first was such a relief for me.  It quickly put the situations into perspective that they were minor in the grand scheme of things.  It made me look at the positives instead of focusing on the negatives.  I also was blessed by God's presence by my Christian community around me.  Being lifted up in prayer and encourage in my faith allowed me to stop trying to be "Woo" me.

I want to ask anyone who is reading this, where do you run?  Do you run to a friend immediately? Do you run to the nearest bar and try to drown your issues?  What do you do?  I really encourage you to run to God in these situations.  I heard this statement before that God is the great comforter but he can't do that if we are always comfortable.  I didn't chose these situations to happen this week and wouldn't want this to happen to anyone but God made me very uncomfortable.  In all this discomfort though I was able to see his power and comfort.  The way he has provided for my family and I this week is great. My mom made it to Vegas in time for the surgery and was able to reschedule work to be there for the recovery, my dad had friends helping us out and giving us information on the medical world in Las Vegas, and my work allowed me to take the time I needed to help.  God truly provided and kept our family calm.

I hope through my examples today you can see the comfort God provides.  Next time something goes wrong go straight to God in prayer and the go to your friends.  Make him your priority and you should be able to see the change in your situation.

Monday, May 12, 2014

God's timing

Well lately a lot has been going on in my life.  Work is changing in a lot of positive ways, school is continuing to be busy, and I continue to look for houses.  With all of the different activities going on I have really seen God's timing.

He has pushed me back many times in the past few weeks and stopped me from what I was asking for.  He has done this for years.  Sometimes it is so hard for me to figure out his timing and why He has stopped me but eventually (sometimes years later) you start to see His big picture.  This really brought me back to us looking at ourselves before we look at our reason to be on earth.  We continually think about ourselves and what we want.  We overlook the big picture a lot and look for the instant gratification.  I do this all the time.  I really wanted this past house I bid on but I did not get it and in turn was very disappointed.  I haven't found that right house yet even though I thought I had and God will help put me in the right spot to better service his kingdom.

It is easy for us in our faith and daily lives to get mad at God because we don't get what we want.  But have you ever thought about God getting what he wants.  God wanted a world without sin.  He wants loyal disciples.  He wants people to honor his name and follow his commandments.  None of us can sit here and say we do all of these things.  Do we notice how often we disappoint God because we want to have things happen on our own timing?  This is all because we become selfish.  We must lay down our lives for the Lord and sacrifice our selfishness for Him.  Similar to in a relationship with a girlfriend/boyfriend it will have a hard time working if we are only thinking about ourselves and not about the other person.  We must think of His will first and ours second.  If you think of His will first you will see a change in your life and daily decisions.

I challenge each of you this week to put His will first.  Sacrifice yourself for him.  Think about having a relationship with him and making his priorities first.  Step back and take some time to reflect on His plan.  Even though we don't always see his timing remember He has you in his hand and is molding you like a great piece of pottery.  Sometimes you may think you should take a different shape but remember he has the ultimate design for you.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Great Contractor

Well today I wanted to talk about God's house.  As a few of you know I have taken the step of beginning to look for a house.  This process if you haven't been through it can be very stressful and really beat you up.  You look at hundreds of listings online, you look at a number in person, and then you have to decide on what you are going to bid and how much.  These decisions all have to be made in a day or less with how fast the market is moving but are decisions that are going to greatly affect you for the next years.

While going through many houses the past few weeks, I think I have seen it all.  I have seen houses that are gorgeous inside and out and very well maintained.  Then on the other side I have seen some houses which needed to be completely gutted and torn down to the studs.  These houses needed thousands of dollars to be invested in them to feel comfortable even sleeping there.

During all of this I really got to looking at my faith and how house shopping is very similar to our own relationships with God.  God has many children including each one of you.  The price tag on each one of us is the same as we are all equal but the work that needs to be done differs.  We work to live a Godly life to help minimize that work but we are still a mess.  We are a new bathroom but a destroyed kitchen and living room.  We all need work just like every house I walked into needed something.  Although too much work on these houses detoured me from putting an offer in it does not detour God.  He is willing to put that work in to make you whole.  He knows you have a great outer shell and just need some remodeling.

That remodeling can come in many different forms.  Maybe it involves going to church for the first time, or joining a bible study within your church.  Sometimes it could be listening to different music, or getting into his word more.  God uses many ways to remodel you just like you can with a house.  You can knock out that wall or just patch it up.  Both will work but the way you choose to remodel can affect the outcome.  It can be a pain to tear everything down and start new but sometimes it is necessary.  We need to allow ourselves to let God completely remodel us.  Let him take control and knock those walls down.  Don't try to just patch up your problems but let him tear them down and rebuild you.  He is the ultimate contractor.  He will make you into the best person you could ever dream of plus more.  He will make you into that house that you walk into and say "This is the one".  In his eyes each one of us are this way.  He loves you unconditionally and always has.  His love is eternal and even though we are a mess we are his.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Cross before You

Hey Everyone hope you had a good Easter and got to celebrate the true meaning.  I wanted to talk today about your journey with God and putting the Cross first.  This came to me at church this morning and with a song I was listening to from Chris Tomlin on putting the cross before you and the world behind you.

The song and story is basically if you put the Cross before you and the world behind you, your worries will be limited.  Have you ever thought about doing that in your life or are you doing that?  For me it is so easy to do that for the times around Easter and Christmas but once I get caught up in my daily grind I tend to put the world in front of me and the Cross behind me.  Now I am not forgetting about the Cross or my relationship with Christ but I am putting the needs of this world (work, school, chores, etc.) in front of me.  It is impossible from my side to always put the Cross first because we are sinful.  If we always had Christ first in our lives then we would be close to being sinless.  We would always be living for him and not selfish.

I deal with this on a daily basis.  I face so many different items at work that pull my attention.  Throughout the day my focus goes to these projects and usually my frustrations are close behind.  Now if I took my day and continually put the Cross before me I am sure my frustrations would be diminished.  I have a perfect example of this just this past week when I had to present a tough proposition to a customer.  While I was very nervous and worked up about this meeting, I focused myself on God and my fears calmed.  The meeting in turn went a lot better then I expected and I was able to relax.  I truly believe this was in part due to my focus on the Cross instead of the worldly needs.

I challenge each of you this week to focus on putting the Cross first.  Remember the sacrifices Jesus made for you and the blessing you have of eternal life.  Take whatever step necessary for you to do this.  Maybe you should put a Cross in your car or on the mirror in the morning.  Put a cross on your computer desktop or your phone's screensaver.  Make it a priority to put the Cross before you and the world will be behind you without even knowing it.  These small things turn into a large step in growing your faith and getting closer with your Father.

Mark 8:34-38

34 Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 35 For whoever wants to save their life[b] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. 36 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? 37 Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 38 If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”