Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Be who you are

So again it has been a while since I have posted on here. My work has been busy lately and I haven't had to much time to sit down here at the computer to write to you all. I have had alot on my mind though and have come up with some ideas for blogs which I hope to have every week. Well lets get to what is on my mind today.

One thing I have been thinking about lately is being a different person in different situations. I know this is something that is easy to do, but why do we do this. I notice that depending on who is around me I am someone completely different. Why is this?

Are we conforming to society?
Are we scared to show our faith?

Well the first question are we conforming to society? I really think when I do it I am conforming. I try to live my life on a daily basis to God's will but as a sinner I fall short of his glory and make mistakes. I see this with stuff I can correct though. I noticed lately that I am one person when I am around one group and a different person when I'm around another. For example, When I was visiting school a few weeks ago I barely swore, focused on God a large part of the time, and had some great theological conversations with people. Now the person I am when I show up to my job is completely different. I have no problem saying swear words and not focusing on God much at all. I really have been trying to change this but it isn't a simple change. Sometimes I do not even realize that I am doing it until way after I have done it.

I feel in this case I am conforming to society. I am letting who I am be based on who I am around. This is terrible. God talks about this in Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." I work on this everyday and try to focus on the renewing on my mind. I know I can do it but I have to understand I will slip up, since I am a sinner. I need to push on and let everyone see the Christian I am. Since usually the people I don't act like one around are those who do not know him and have the benefit of the personal relationship with him yet.

The second question here is Are we scared to show our faith? I think sometimes personally I am and I see it with others also. Just like we don't want to be the person to raise our hand in class we don't want to be the person who stands out. But why is that? We are the ones who have nothing to lose. We have God on our side and are ready to live for him. So we don't do some things our friends do but is that going to change who you are. If we act how we are suppose to as a Christian and just work on showing God's love to others, people will respect you. We get scared that as a Christian we will not be accepted but we will. The ones that seem to not be well received are those forcing God down others throats. We need to be smart and just express God's love and realize it is others choices to accept God. We cannot be scared to show our faith, we just need to be confident and know that God loves us and his love is all that matters.

Those are just some of my thoughts on Being yourself. I just feel that as a Christian we are not choosing to do it 4 days a week but 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Choosing Christ is a lifestyle and we need to live that lifestyle no matter who we are around. I need to work on this and I am on a daily basis. It is a hard battle but starting my day with God greatly helps. If you have any thoughts please let me know.

2 Corinthians 4:18 "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Seeing God

So this blog came to me the other day when I walked out of my house and just saw the sweetest clouds in the sky. I was just flabbergasted at what The Lord has made for us and started to look for God more in my daily life. So here are some questions that were in my head.

Why can't we see God everyday in our lives?

Can we see him and do we just overlook him?

So to look at the first question: Why can't we see him everyday. It is so easy to not see God in our everyday lives if we don't make sure to make him a part of our lives. It is easy to see for example your mom or dad everyday because you get to see them in flesh each day, but with God you have to have the faith that he is with you everyday (which he is). Alot of people say "Out of Sight Out of Mind" and that saying couldn't be more true. Why is that though? We might not see God in human form here everyday but look in the sky and its all him. Look at all the blessings you have received. That's all him. You cannot look at anything that happens in this world and not see God if you are looking.

A way to help seeing him everyday is make him the first thing on your mind when you wake up. Maybe that is by starting your day with a short prayer or maybe doing a devotional time. With doing this in the morning you will be focused on God and everything you see that day will help you see God more.

The other question I had was the part of us overlooking him. I think this is true to parts. I see everything God has made on a daily basis but I have just become so accustom to it that it means practically nothing to me. Its a cloud big deal, its rain big deal, or its the sun big deal. I know we get so used to everything we have in this world that we just see it as what life is suppose to be like and not as a blessing. If we look at our time on Earth as a blessing we will see God EVERYWHERE. If you looked for God in everything you do you would never see anything that he didn't have a part in. So try not to make what's in the earth just what is suppose to be there but look at it as a gift from God.

This blog was plain and simple about seeing God. It is tough but being a Christian is not the easiest thing in the world. I ask that you try to look at everything you see in the world and see it as that gift from God. He has given us blessings that we cannot even imagine and if we look at them as blessings we are in great shape. Start your day out focusing on the God and the rest will fall into place. If you can see God in your everyday life your faith will start to grow without limit and you will be excited to jump into his word on a daily basis. He is truly amazing, just look at all he is given us. I have one question for all of you:


If you want to talk please comment on the blog or email me. I would love to help you see God on a daily basis.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.