Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Cross before You

Hey Everyone hope you had a good Easter and got to celebrate the true meaning.  I wanted to talk today about your journey with God and putting the Cross first.  This came to me at church this morning and with a song I was listening to from Chris Tomlin on putting the cross before you and the world behind you.

The song and story is basically if you put the Cross before you and the world behind you, your worries will be limited.  Have you ever thought about doing that in your life or are you doing that?  For me it is so easy to do that for the times around Easter and Christmas but once I get caught up in my daily grind I tend to put the world in front of me and the Cross behind me.  Now I am not forgetting about the Cross or my relationship with Christ but I am putting the needs of this world (work, school, chores, etc.) in front of me.  It is impossible from my side to always put the Cross first because we are sinful.  If we always had Christ first in our lives then we would be close to being sinless.  We would always be living for him and not selfish.

I deal with this on a daily basis.  I face so many different items at work that pull my attention.  Throughout the day my focus goes to these projects and usually my frustrations are close behind.  Now if I took my day and continually put the Cross before me I am sure my frustrations would be diminished.  I have a perfect example of this just this past week when I had to present a tough proposition to a customer.  While I was very nervous and worked up about this meeting, I focused myself on God and my fears calmed.  The meeting in turn went a lot better then I expected and I was able to relax.  I truly believe this was in part due to my focus on the Cross instead of the worldly needs.

I challenge each of you this week to focus on putting the Cross first.  Remember the sacrifices Jesus made for you and the blessing you have of eternal life.  Take whatever step necessary for you to do this.  Maybe you should put a Cross in your car or on the mirror in the morning.  Put a cross on your computer desktop or your phone's screensaver.  Make it a priority to put the Cross before you and the world will be behind you without even knowing it.  These small things turn into a large step in growing your faith and getting closer with your Father.

Mark 8:34-38

34 Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 35 For whoever wants to save their life[b] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. 36 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? 37 Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 38 If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Nail

Well everyone this week is Holy week with Good Friday coming tomorrow.  This day is always one that always gets me and something I wanted to address today.  I hope this blog will give you some items to think about while you are at church this weekend.

Have you ever thought about you being a part of that nail that was hammered into Jesus' hand?  Now let's take a step back and think about times that we have gotten hurt.  Have you ever put something through your hand?  A staple, a nail, or maybe you just got a paper cut.  You know how much that hurt and it is nothing compared to what Jesus took on that cross.  That nail went into his wrist.  Do you know how many tendons, bones, and nerves are located there?  I am not a medical person and will not try to be but there are a lot.  Now this nail was not just an ordinary nail but one that carried an even heavier weight.  This nail was made of fibers that is each one of our sins.  Have you ever taken a second to think that the nail that held Jesus up to the cross was because of you?  That nail wasn't only each and every one of our sins but also pounded in by our mistakes and issues.

Now think about going through that pain and knowing you can stop it but you don't.  You know you have to take this to save others so you continue to suffer.  You know your mission and you don't move.  This would be like having a hot stove and putting your hand on it.  Your nerves and your mind is telling you to move your hand immediately but you can't.  If you take that hand off others could be hurt.  Of course this is a hypothetical situation but something I don't think any of us could handle.  Jesus put his hand on that stove and didn't move but took the suffering.

Now think about his Father.  Parents out there say all the time when a tragedy happens I wish I could of taken their place.  You never want something bad to happen to any young kid but especially your own kid.  God had to feel this way to but he knew the mission.  He knew what had to take place and that is why He sent His son because only He could accomplish the mission.

The day of Good Friday is one that moves a lot of people but sometimes it only happens for the hour you are at church or only for that day.  This should not be a one day thing but an everyday experience.

Jesus is down fighting the devil and defeating him for us.  We all watch the great movies like Captain America, or the Avengers and watch the crazy fight scene.  This fight scene would make that look like a slap fight.  This fight was one that changed eternity.

I hope this post gets you thinking and has you take a deeper look at your choices and the true meaning of Good Friday.  It can be a hard pill to swallow but something that is necessary.  Now I will not leave you on that note because this Sunday the Victory is won.  God is NOT Dead.  He is alive and is in your corner as you fight that fight everyday.  He gives you the hydration (bible, church) and tips (Christian community) that you need to live for God.  This isn't something you will accomplish yourself but with his help.  The Devil has been defeated.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Hello everyone, 

Well it has been a crazy few weeks but I am back to the blogs.  I wanted to focus today on motive and that is stemming from a song that I have had on repeat lately called clear the stage from Jimmy Needham.  This is a great song that I heard a few weeks ago about giving God the stage.

It is so easy these days to get caught up in ourselves.  If it is proud of an accomplishment at work, or happy for an accomplishment on the court.  We easily start to take the attention ourselves.  You can easily see this in the NCAA tournament at this time.  You may get a stand out player and the world puts them on a pedestal.  They hit a few big shots and the world revolves around them.  This just doesn't happen to start athletes but to all of us at some point because of our sinful life.  We work to make sure other's know what we are doing and what we have accomplished.

Now the song you hear focuses on this happening in church.  Are you singing for God? Or are you singing for the image it shows?  This is a real hit and I am sure each one of us at some point have been guilty of going to church for the wrong reason.  Is it to show the image that you are a strong believer.  Are you singing because everyone else is?  There are so many reasons that we do these things but did you ever stop to think during this why you are doing it.  I have caught myself in this many times and over the past few weeks have really asked myself that question.  Singing at church I usually did because well everyone else was or cause I liked the song.  When I stopped to realize why we sang in church and what the songs said I hit a new level.  It is so easy to get caught up in a catchy beat or just singing to sing.  But when you sing with that passion, praising the Lord I truly can't describe it.

I challenge each one of you in the coming weeks to really ask yourself why when you are doing something.  If it is a part of your work day or your time with God.  Are you doing it for you?  If you are take a moment to pray for God's patience.  We are not here to glorify and honor ourselves we are here to honor Him.  When your motives, are in line with God you will see a difference.  Make sure in all you do "To God be the Glory"

John 5
Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, 23 that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.