Sunday, April 6, 2014


Hello everyone, 

Well it has been a crazy few weeks but I am back to the blogs.  I wanted to focus today on motive and that is stemming from a song that I have had on repeat lately called clear the stage from Jimmy Needham.  This is a great song that I heard a few weeks ago about giving God the stage.

It is so easy these days to get caught up in ourselves.  If it is proud of an accomplishment at work, or happy for an accomplishment on the court.  We easily start to take the attention ourselves.  You can easily see this in the NCAA tournament at this time.  You may get a stand out player and the world puts them on a pedestal.  They hit a few big shots and the world revolves around them.  This just doesn't happen to start athletes but to all of us at some point because of our sinful life.  We work to make sure other's know what we are doing and what we have accomplished.

Now the song you hear focuses on this happening in church.  Are you singing for God? Or are you singing for the image it shows?  This is a real hit and I am sure each one of us at some point have been guilty of going to church for the wrong reason.  Is it to show the image that you are a strong believer.  Are you singing because everyone else is?  There are so many reasons that we do these things but did you ever stop to think during this why you are doing it.  I have caught myself in this many times and over the past few weeks have really asked myself that question.  Singing at church I usually did because well everyone else was or cause I liked the song.  When I stopped to realize why we sang in church and what the songs said I hit a new level.  It is so easy to get caught up in a catchy beat or just singing to sing.  But when you sing with that passion, praising the Lord I truly can't describe it.

I challenge each one of you in the coming weeks to really ask yourself why when you are doing something.  If it is a part of your work day or your time with God.  Are you doing it for you?  If you are take a moment to pray for God's patience.  We are not here to glorify and honor ourselves we are here to honor Him.  When your motives, are in line with God you will see a difference.  Make sure in all you do "To God be the Glory"

John 5
Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, 23 that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.

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