Monday, May 12, 2014

God's timing

Well lately a lot has been going on in my life.  Work is changing in a lot of positive ways, school is continuing to be busy, and I continue to look for houses.  With all of the different activities going on I have really seen God's timing.

He has pushed me back many times in the past few weeks and stopped me from what I was asking for.  He has done this for years.  Sometimes it is so hard for me to figure out his timing and why He has stopped me but eventually (sometimes years later) you start to see His big picture.  This really brought me back to us looking at ourselves before we look at our reason to be on earth.  We continually think about ourselves and what we want.  We overlook the big picture a lot and look for the instant gratification.  I do this all the time.  I really wanted this past house I bid on but I did not get it and in turn was very disappointed.  I haven't found that right house yet even though I thought I had and God will help put me in the right spot to better service his kingdom.

It is easy for us in our faith and daily lives to get mad at God because we don't get what we want.  But have you ever thought about God getting what he wants.  God wanted a world without sin.  He wants loyal disciples.  He wants people to honor his name and follow his commandments.  None of us can sit here and say we do all of these things.  Do we notice how often we disappoint God because we want to have things happen on our own timing?  This is all because we become selfish.  We must lay down our lives for the Lord and sacrifice our selfishness for Him.  Similar to in a relationship with a girlfriend/boyfriend it will have a hard time working if we are only thinking about ourselves and not about the other person.  We must think of His will first and ours second.  If you think of His will first you will see a change in your life and daily decisions.

I challenge each of you this week to put His will first.  Sacrifice yourself for him.  Think about having a relationship with him and making his priorities first.  Step back and take some time to reflect on His plan.  Even though we don't always see his timing remember He has you in his hand and is molding you like a great piece of pottery.  Sometimes you may think you should take a different shape but remember he has the ultimate design for you.

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