Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Judging is something that I have been struggling with my whole life. I know we all do it. Look at when we look for a significant other. Usually the first thing we look at is looks which is just a way of judging. Okay well let's jump deeper into this topic and answer a few questions that I have.

Why do we judge?
What can judging do to us?

Okay well the first question Why do we judge? Again like every other sin it happens because we are not perfect and we are sinful. We do it because of us being imperfect humans. Well I really notice myself judging every day of my life. When I drive down the road and I think wow that is a good looking girl or when I am delivering to different areas and am worried about the people in those areas. Have those people done anything to me. NO! But that area is the not best area so I stereotype the whole area. Well my best example of Judging someone came two weeks ago when I played softball with my church. This league is played every week at the Macomb County Prison and yes we do play against the prisoners. Well two weeks ago was the first time that I have played and I was a bit nervous. After a few innings and sitting and just joking around with a few prisoners I became less tense. Well after the second game and before we left each guy from the church took 1 or 2 prisoners and prayed for them before we left. Well I was waiting for a guy to come over to me to pray and the largest African american man came to me. He was a 6'6" guy about 300 pounds and most of that was in muscle. He was given the nickname tank. I was a bit intimidated but it was such a great experience. Tank's real name was Sean and he was a first time player for the prisoners. I sat down and prayed for him and then which shocked me he turned around and wanted to pray for me. I never felt so moved when he stood in front of me and lifted me up in prayer. After the prayers me and Sean talked for a few minutes and I got to hear his story and how he has been working on correcting his ways.

That time with Sean made me really realize that yeah he could kick my butt but he is just like any of us. He was a guy that made a mistake and now he was paying for it. He was not bitter about it but was going to deal with his punishment and move on. If we just didn't look at people by who they are on the outside or the few facts we know about them then we could change the world.

The second question What can judging do to us? Well judging can do alot to us. We can miss out on meeting some of the most amazing people in the world. We hurt ourselves because we tend to say we are better than others because they "aren't good enough to be in our group". It is really tough when we judge. We don't want to admit we do it but we all do each and every day. The question here is what can judging do to us but the real question is what can judging do to others? When we judge others we do not give them a chance. Usually we stay away if they are to big or they swear to much or for other countless reasons. If we do this we could cost them that chance of hearing about God. I bring back my story about Sean ("Tank"). He was a guy I was very intimidated about but I was able to sit down and pray with him. Maybe that prayer was the first time he has heard about God or maybe he was dead in his faith and this was going to rejuvenate it.

Judging can be very dangerous for us as Christians. It is so hard not to do but we need to stop it and limit it as much as we can. Every person is special in God and has their own story. Maybe they haven't had the best life before that time you meet them but that doesn't mean that they can't still want to be saved and feel the love of God. You need to just look at everyone for the person God made them and not the person the world has made them. Each one of them is special in God's eyes and each have a heart that with some love and kindness can turn around and show that love and kindness to others.

Deut. 1:17 Do not show partiality in judging; hear both small and great alike. Do not be afraid of any man, for judgment belongs to God. Bring me any case too hard for you, and I will hear it.

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