Friday, May 7, 2010

Old Friends

So this is a bit of a random topic today but its on my heart so here we go. So I was looking through a scrapbook (that my mom made me) of my senior year and was just looking at all the pictures I had with all my friends in there.

It got me thinking. Why don't I talk to most of these people anymore? These people were part of my life everyday and now they are just a memory. I need pictures to remind me of them. Yes and some of them have gone onto different lifestyles from me (I can tell by facestalking haha). But one question just has been sitting with me since seeing these pictures.
Why is it not important to me to talk to them anymore?

Is it because they are not exactly like me?

I don't think that should be my reason but I have used it that's for sure. Some of them chose different directions in college but why should that change how I am with them. I have friends I have made in college that don't live their life just like me or remotely close to me but I still find time to spend with them. But I have always seen this as an opportunity to minister to them through my actions and words. And I have taken advantage of these opportunities when I could. Now why don't I still try to talk to those from high school? I really don't know. I have known them for so long and sometimes I feel I put having spiritual conversations with them as not important because they have had that Christian background. But is one person greater than another. I think not. And this is something I need to think about and work on daily. I see that person as an easier target (bad word choice but you know what I am saying) and go that way. I should look at everyone and try to tell everyone about God.

Is it because I see myself as say better than them?

I really don't know how to explain it. I am highly involved with my faith at college but that makes me no better than anyone and I realize that. I have led freshman through CRU for the past 2 years and am going to be doing it again next year and the first point I want to get through to them is that if they need anything spiritual or not is that I am there for them. Now why am I doing this for people I am just meeting but not for people that were super close to me for four years of my high school life. I can't explain that. Sometimes it is because I see these people on a weekly if not daily basis but now with tools like facebook, blogging, and twitter and all the numerous social media platforms I can contact all those people on a daily basis too. I need to be there for those people who where close to me always and if they are taking that wrong path try to help them and focus them back on Christ.

I don't know if this will make sense to any of you reading this but it just started bothering me. I just want you to look at yourself and be able to ask yourself the question Do I tell everyone about God or do I show favorites? Do I try to help everyone I meet further their relationship with God or do I just forget about them? Those are just two of millions of questions you can ask yourself. And depending on how you answer those questions you can see what you can change. I am asking myself these questions right now. I want to know when I go to sleep that I have given everyone I see a good impression of Christ and that I was able to help someone. I realized going through that scrapbook today I need to value these Christian friendships I have more and help build those up with Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

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