Friday, May 21, 2010


So it has been a while since I wrote last. I was having a hard time figuring out something to write about and then something started to resonate in my head yesterday. As some of you may know my mother recently broke her foot and has become handicapped. AKA Myself and other family members have needed to drive her to work on a daily basis, do more chores, run errands, and other daily things.
Well of course with doing these things for my mom it started to get under my skin. I was having to get up early almost every day. I would get home from work and would have to run her somewhere or go grocery shopping (which I hate) by myself. These acts got me thinking:

Why am I so selfish?

Why do I need a reward for what I do?

Well let's hit the first question: Why am I so selfish? That is a good question that I could go far into. The first thing is I am a sinner. I don't see what is good in life and always look at the negatives. Its not "Oh I'm happy I could help" but its more "Geez I wasn't able to work out because of this" or "Seriously I lost an extra hour of sleep." But why is this? This is my mother. The woman who carried me for 9 months, got sick because of me, and so many other things for me in 21 years of life. Why is it so hard for me to give her an extra hour or 2 a day for 6 to 8 weeks. It really is stupid I can't do this and I am trying hard to do this. But this made me start thinking about my relationship with God. Why can't I take even 10 minutes to read the bible a day, pray before I eat, or not use profanities to honor him. This man (no offense mom) did so much more than anyone ever could. I wasn't even in this world when he went up on a cross and just got destroyed for ME. I look at all he did for me and every other person in this world and just get upset we can't give him the light of day alot.

The second question to tackle is Why do I need a reward for what I do? I feel like America has made it this way but this also comes from the sinful nature of us. I have tried so hard not to think what am I going to get out of doing stuff for my mom but I have. You know what did she get every time she had to leave work to come pick me up from school when I was sick. Now I look at this on the God side and charity. So many times I go into a situation and am like should I do this for whatever reason. I barely go in with the right thoughts of I'm doing this to further God's kingdom and show people what God can do for them. And God has given us a gift we don't even need to work for (Eternal Life) so what do we need to wait for.

I just wanted to bring this all to you guys tonight and see your thoughts. I believe charity is one of the most important things we can do for others as Christians. I have had some amazing experiences with Charity but I've noticed that it usually occurs when I have my heart/head in the right place first. Charity helps to spread God's kingdom and just can bring a smile to your face and other's faces. I ask that everyone takes some time to help someone out. Maybe it is by giving some money or some time. Whatever you can do please do it and make sure your heart is in the right place. Don't do this for you, but do it to honor him. Look at all he did for you can't you take some time to honor him. I learned I am selfish this week and I am going to work on that. I'm not set that I will change that this week or this year but I pray that soon I can be selfless and think of others before myself always.

Please leave some comments/feedback. I would love to hear what your thoughts are. If you have any personal questions send me a comment and we can exchange email addresses.

Psalm 23:6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

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