Monday, August 30, 2010


So this blog I want to talk about change as this has been happening so much to me lately and the topic has been on my mind lately. There are probably a lot of you guy experiencing this right now with college starting. From being a freshman entering college for the first time or being a senior entering college for the fourth year (maybe fifth or sixth), you are still experiencing change. So when I think about change I have some questions that pop into my head right away.

Why is change so hard?
Is change a good thing?

Looking at the first question. Why is change so hard? Well since we are creatures of habit we have a hard time changing. What is the rule it takes 14 days to break a habit or something like that. Change is just breaking a habit. I know it is difficult to do this. Look at the fact that 1000s of years ago we got into the habit of sinning and we still can't break it. Change was not suppose to be easy it was suppose to challenge us. I know changing your life of sin into one of obedience is not necessarily the same as going to college but it provides the same lesson. For example, When I left for school this year I had a very hard time with the change of being back on my own. Yes I did love the fact that I could do what I wanted when I wanted once again but I wasn't the happiest about the change. Now give me a couple weeks once classes and what not are not so overwhelming and then I won't mind the change. It just takes time. Now in the fact of being a sinner it is not easy and never was suppose to be. Just like leaving for college, I try to rid myself of sin. No I can't tackle everyone of my sins at the same time I would be more overwhelmed then ever so instead I tackle one maybe two at a time. In the beginning it is so hard to stay away from whatever it is. Let's go with swearing. From the start I stay strong maybe slipping up once here or there but it is a huge struggle and I have to keep catching myself. As time goes on it becomes easier and easier. Change in the beginning SUCKS but as time goes on it all works out and you can handle the task in front of you.

Is Change a Good Thing?

I am not going to say change is always a good thing but over time it is. People can change for the better or worse but if God has put a change in your life it is because he knows it will draw you closer to him. For me my freshmen year God changed my life dramatically by placing me so far away from my family and having to step out in my faith (which I didn't do for a whole semester almost). That change for a long time didn't seem like anything close to a good thing and then my sophomore year I realized how good that change was. I have been able to step out in my faith in more ways then I imagined and have been able to express my love for Him to others. Change was never meant to be easy but neither was life. We sinned and we are going to have to battle with the struggles of change. But if you look at change as God helping you, you will understand what is happening and why.

Change is something that each and everyone of us will deal with on a daily basis. Instead of trying to fight it lets embrace it. Let God lead you and help you down the path that he has planned for you. In my eyes change is a good thing it may take a while to see that and when it happens it may hurt and tear at you but if you keep your eyes focused on God then it will be just a road bump. Change is going to eat at you but don't let it take you down. Just pray to God and ask him to help you through it. He has a plan for us and that plan is going to help each one of us get closer to him.

1 Corinthians 15:50-52
50I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed

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