Sunday, August 15, 2010

Part 2: God's Words

So this is part 2 from my last blog about seeing God in your life. Well the next topic I wanted to talk about was God speaking through us. Now I am going to change up the style of this blog a bit and give you what happened to me and then answer some questions I asked myself.

Okay so that day when I was praying with the prisoners at the softball game I really saw God speak through me. Praying in these situations are always thinking on the top of your head but that day I had no clue what to say. I feel God really took over the prayer and spoke right through me. He really used me to speak to the three guys I was praying with. He spurred what I was saying in my prayer to a great conversation that we had after about God and his love.

Why is it that we don't let God speak through us?

Well this question is a hard one to answer. But like always we got the whole sin problem that stops us. And like the last blog maybe we don't take the time for him to talk through us. I really have never felt God speak through me when talking to others until that night. Since then I have felt him do it a few times. I don't know if this is because I have slowed down to look for him or if its because my faith has grown recently. But when he speaks through you he speaks with such peace and you realize how great he is. He will put words into your mouth that make you just stand their in amazement. It is truly an amazing feeling.

Please everyone take time this week to stand back and see God. Step out in your faith and talk to others and God will provide. Say a little prayer before you talk to others for God to be with you and you will be at a peace you have never felt before. Maybe the opportunity to feel God speaking through you is when you take the time to step out in your faith. When you step out God will be there to guide your hand or your words.

John 20:21 Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."

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