Saturday, March 1, 2014

Who do they see?

This week has been another busy week with many interesting and challenging times for me.  This blog really came to me this week multiple times and God has been leading me to write it which is the reason I am writing a day earlier than the normal.  Today I want to focus on what others see in you?

We are all our own unique individuals and it is such a blessing because that brings so many great times into our lives.  We have similarities and differences but it makes you you.  Have you ever asked yourself what do you want others to see in you?  Sometimes it is that you are a great athlete, successful businessman/woman, or helpful person.  Have you ever thought about or prayed that people see Jesus in You?  There is a great song out there right now called Let Them See You by JJ Weeks Band.  This is a prayer that he is singing asking people to see God in him.  Now why was this on my heart this week.  Many reasons.

This week unfortunately started very stressful for me.  A number of items went wrong starting Monday morning when I arrived at work and it seemed like nothing was going to get better.  It is one of those days you just kinda wish you didn't get out of bed.  I let my emotions get the most of me that day and let others see my sinful side.  By the way I talked, to the way I threw my computer mouse across the room I was not letting others see God in me.  During this time I did not lose my faith or not know the person I wanted to be I just let the devil get in the way of my Christian lifestyle.  I showed to others that I am sinful just like them but in turn caused others to look negatively on everything and not let them see the love of the Lord even in the tough situations.

That was followed by something not as frustrating, but a gut check for me.  Hanging out with some friends last night, I began to let myself slip into being relaxed and not living for God.  I was a lot more loose with my language, did not speak of my faith, or really show others God.  I did not think anything of it (except noticing I was looser with my language) until one of the other people in the group started talking to me about this blog and opened up about their faith.  Right there it was like getting hit by an Amtrak train then a Greyhound bus followed by having a ton of bricks dropped on me.  At that moment I realized that I wasn't showing others God or necessarily living for him in that moment. I quickly switched my approach and tried to show the others in the group my faith through my actions and my words.  

It is crucial for others to see God in you.  It comes back to the saying actions speak louder than words.  When you get ready for bed at the end of the day, can you say others saw Him in you.  Did that frustrating situation overtake who you were or the people you were around overstep you?  It is a challenge for each of us everyday but something that can be beat.  As you continue to grow your faith and dedication to the Lord others will see Him in you as He becomes a deeper part of you.  Say a prayer today or whenever you get in a tough situation asking for others to see Him.  Remember your actions and words can allow others to see His love and sacrifice He made for everyone of us.

Matthew 5:13-16
13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

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