Sunday, February 2, 2014

God's "Flight"

Happy Super Bowl Sunday everyone.  I hope you are all going to enjoy some time with family and friends today to watch the big game or maybe just the commercials.  I wanted to talk today about faith in God.  Let's start with a story.

This past week I was traveling for work down to Mexico.  On this journey I have 4 flights for the entire trip.  Now I am not sure if all of you have flown or not but obviously there are times when you are cutting through the air and you hit some turbulence and the plane drops a bit.  You get that gut check real quick and realization that you aren't just floating through the air.  Well throughout the years I have always been startled by the turbulence and as I get more flights under my belt it gets a bit easier to take.  I started thinking relating this situation back to my faith in a few different ways.

You have probably heard the analogies before about God being the pilot of an airplane we are on.  I completely agree when you step onto a plane you put full trust in that pilot.  If something happens to him or his co pilot most likely you are not trained to bring that plane safely to the ground.  Just like in the airplane God is the only one that can successfully carry you from place to place, journey to journey.  Yes we can go out on our own and try to fly our own plane but it can be very rough.  God is the one who when we put our full trust in Him he finds the right route and guides you.  When we step away from him it is very easy for the plane to slightly drop or even start moving quickly towards the ground.  Keeping our faith in him and trust in his plan we can sit in the back of the plane and have no worries.

Another item that I realized from this trip is looking outside at the world that you travel over during your trip.  The higher you are up in the sky the smaller the buildings below you look.  These can be buildings that would take you hours to walk around due to their size but from the sky they look like a spec of dirt and even disappear as you go farther up.  This made me think of our ride with God and the highs and lows in our relationship.  Think about it this way.  Each one of those buildings below is distractions, sins, or problems we see on earth.  Some are bigger than others but they are everywhere.  As you get closer with God and continue to climb those distractions, sins, or problems beginning to become smaller.  Every step closer in your relationship with God let's the plane go higher.  When you are on a spiritual high these worldly temptations are very small and some might even disappear but as you go through a valley they become easier to see.  It is hard as we all will go through ups and downs in our relationship with God just as we do in any relationship we have.  Working to grow that relationship with him will make the times you fly low not as bad as you are flying higher with God.

The last item that I wanted to talk about today was the turbulence.  If you know me I hate roller coasters and I used to hate flying.  Now with my current position I can hate flying all I want but I don't have a choice.  Therefore as you can imagine some turbulence on the flight or when a wind gust grabs the plane really freaks me out.  Like I said earlier though as I fly more and more it has gotten easier.  Do I still get a bit unsettled, of course, but do I feel like the plane is about to crash now, not usually.  This past trip made me really think about that with God.  During our "flight" with God we will hit turbulence and some is worse than others but it will not crash your plane.  As you grow with the Lord and continue to dedicate your life to him that turbulence will not be so unsettling.  Just like I have gotten more at ease with the turbulence I hit with flying so will you and I feel more at ease the closer we get to God.

I hope that the next time you see a plane in the air or you set foot on an airplane you think about your walk with God.  Think about the faith you are putting in that pilot to get you to your destination safely, think about the buildings below disappearing, and think about how the turbulence you hit is just a bump in the road.  Then turn those thoughts towards your faith life.  Think about your faith in God to get you to your next destination Heaven, think about your worries and distractions disappearing the closer you get to God, and remember that the closer you get to Him the easier the turbulence will be.  The turbulence you hit in life will not crash your plane but just test your trust in Him.  God loves each and everyone of you.  Let him be your pilot everyday of your life.

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