Sunday, February 16, 2014

Light of Positive

Hello Everyone and I hope you are having a good week.  For me this week has been very challenging and caused me to really look at my faith in another light.  A quick synopsis is I flew to Mexico for work again and all 4 flights got delayed by at least 5 hours really putting a wrench in plans and causing some long days.  My family also faced the loss of a close family friend after a month long battle with cancer, a good friend of mine had her father suffer a stroke, and another friend is seeing their mom's fight with cancer slowly ending.  Let's just say it has been a week that can really make you reevaluate your faith.

With all this happening around me it has really made me look at my life and evaluate it.  I have had a song really stick in my head this week.  This song is by Matt Maher called "Hold us Together" and the below lyrics really stuck with me.

This is the first day of the rest of your life
This is the first day of the rest of your life'Cause even in the dark you can still see the lightIt's gonna be alright, it's gonna be alright

It is so easy for us to get caught up in the bad in life which seems to always happen at the same time.  These lyrics show that with a relationship with God you can still see that light.  Now it is very easy to go away from that light and find every way to block it out.  We focus on the bad parts of the day.  It is something that we all do without even noticing it.  We start to ask why and push back on the Lord.  We try to step out of the plane that the Lord is piloting and deal with it on our own.  The pastor at the funeral I was at on Saturday made the statement that He is the one that will lead you through this.  How true is that?  And when you allow him to be that pilot on your life flight we are able to have him help us.  Some people in hard times turn to alcohol, drugs, or maybe just shut everyone else out.  I encourage you in times of sorrow and hardship to look at him.  Make him your release.  Yell at him and let him know your frustration just like you would with your best friend.  I have had many talks with God throughout the week and they all haven't been peachy.  

Now with the different events that have taken place this week it has affected my outlook.  A movie I watched this past week on a flight really gave me a gut check on this.  It was called "About Time" and was a decent movie.  The message it portrayed was one that hit and stuck with me.  The movie allowed the main character to time travel.  He used this a lot to change different events in his life and by the end of the movie was using it very sparingly.  He used it every day to relive that day focusing on the positives.  Eventually he never needed to time travel as his outlook had changed.  As I cannot say for a fact but I am pretty sure that anyone reading this cannot time travel.  I challenge you and challenged myself to look at the positives.  Take a minute to list out the joys of the day.  Maybe it is a beautiful sunrise/sunset you see, maybe it was that accident you avoided, or an accomplishment at work or home.  Each one of those situations could cause you to look negatively.  Another sunrise means another day at work, that accident avoided was probably because someone else made a mistake when driving or a major accomplishment at home/work could mean more work that comes along with that.  Each situation in our life we can look at two ways: positive or negative.  When being able to take the positive view your day turns around.

Just like in the movie he would have to relive his days.  This week evaluate your day every night and "relive" it.  Evaluate the good and positive moments that you may have overlooked.  Then try to focus on those positives in your daily activities.  Soon you will be at the point where your mind goes to the positives instead of the negatives.  Your attitude will change and your day will become a blessing and not a punishment.  This week make it a positive week.  Even with all the negatives around you be the light that those who do not have Christ can see.  In the lyrics above, he states that even in the dark you can see the light.  For some they do not have that light of Christ in their heart and you may need to be the light that leads them.  Take that responsibility serious as your light can lead them to the eternal light of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    John 8:12
    When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

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