Sunday, February 9, 2014


Hello again everyone with the Olympics just starting I am sure you are struggling with most Americans staying up late to see who won (if you didn't just watch any news station all day and already seen it).  This week has been a busy week for me but has been very encouraging.  Last week I discussed God being the pilot and having full trust in him.  I wanted to incorporate that blog with this one as God showed me how patience is key in letting him be your pilot.

God showed me patience in a very cool and exciting way this week.  As many of you know my family and I work with a non-profit called "Motown Soup".  A quick background on this is it is a non profit organization run by the social outreach director at Trinity in his spare time.  Numerous volunteers, including some of you, assemble soup, dessert, and dip mixes which are then sold in a number of different ways.  All the profits are given back to the communities that it is sold in to help support the homeless and feed the hungry.  This organization has really touched my life and is very close to my heart along with most of the volunteers.  The group has grown tremendously in the past few years with $65,000 being donated this year alone to go over $350,000 over the past 9 years.  Now with this group we have grown from selling at a limited number of craft shows to online sales and just recently to a store in numerous malls in Metro Detroit.  Now I promise this isn't just an infomercial for Motown Soup but it does all tie in.

With the growth of the business a number of new opportunities have come across our table.  Opportunities to partner with different organizations, opportunities to sell at different stores, and numerous other business opportunities.  I personally will get very frustrated sometimes with this as I view things a bit differently because of my age and I see the growth this ministry can achieve.  My patience for growth has let's just say been limited.  I want to grow fast and push every opportunity.  Now the Lord has had a different plan.  He has definitely helped the group grow but sometimes not as fast as myself or the group would like.  The Lord has let us grow at a steady pace and always provided the volunteers to support the growth in business.

This really goes back to my life.  I am a goal oriented person and it is hard for me to be patient.  I have my professional and personal goals in front of me and most of the time look past possible downfalls because I want to check that item off my list.  The Lord has really shown me that I need to live for the day and slow down.  Be Patient and focus on him.  I notice when I start to focus on my goals so much that I push him to the side.  He becomes an after thought instead of the reason for that goal.  It goes right back into letting him be your pilot and being on his flight.  That airplane is not going to get there any faster because I want it to.  So we may hit a good tailwind and things move faster but at the same time we may hit a large headwind slowing us down.  Just like in life we have to take these speed ups and slow downs and be patient with the Lord's plan.  Let him control your life and don't try to overtake the reins for yourself.  I will continue to push to grow but I want to try to focus on him in it all.

I challenge you this week to not have your own agenda out there but have Christ's agenda.  Put together your plans if you want but make sure you don't lose focus on him.  Be patient with His plan and look at the big picture.  Just as if Motown Soup would of grown with some of these partnerships maybe we would of not been able to keep up or possibly we would of made some bad business choices moving away from the goal of the group.  So be patient with his plan and he will bring it all together.  The Lord showed this plan this week with Motown Soup as we will be featured on Fox 2 News on February 20th at 8:30 am to share our story.  This is something we have been pushing for years and it is finally a reality.  Being patient with his plan shows trust in Him that He knows when you are ready for these changes.

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